The Growatt 8000 TL3-X 3-phase inverter is easy to install yourself. This new X-series inverter is lighter, more compact, more efficient and better prepared for the future.
The inverter is equipped with the ability to connect energy meters to enable export limitation. The inverter is also equipped with a touch button for ease of use. The 3000TL3-X inverter features 2 MPP Trackers to separate 2 orientations, inclination angles or shade fields. So you can connect 2 strings to this inverter, of up to 12000 watt peak collectively. And that while it already starts up at 200 volts. Attention! The inverter will cut off anything above 8000 watts at peak times.
Growatt is one of the largest manufacturers of inverters for solar panels and is known for its good value for money and flexibility. Combine the 8000 TL3-X 3-phase inverter with a monitoring module to connect it to the internet via WiFi / LAN or a Radio link. This allows you to monitor the performance of the set anytime, anywhere.
For WiFi, you can use the Growatt ShineWiFi-X.
For LAN, you can use the Growatt ShineLAN-X.
Should these options not work out, there is still the Growatt Shine Link-X. This only works when there is a maximum of 20 metres between the inverter and the router and a maximum of 2 walls between them.
Growatt offers a standard 10-year warranty on this Growatt MOD 8000 TL3-X 3-phase inverter!
Also click on the datasheet for more information, or visit Growatt’s website.
Datasheet Manual Quick guide Conformity certificate RFG NEN-EN 50549-1